– Develop React Applications With Mobx And Typescript – Develop React Applications With Mobx And Typescript-APoLLo
English | Size: 115.56 MB
Category: Tutorial

Developing logic-rich applications is a key skill to have.
The TypeScript-React combination helps you unlock that skill, and it’s a great developer experience in terms of writing understandable and refactorable HTML. But the default state management for React has a long way to go to feel simple and maintainable – and that’s where MobX makes your life so much easier. MobX keeps things simple without using complicated setups like provider and connect that provide way too little value for all the mental overhead. – Test React Components With Enzyme And Jest-APoLLo – Test React Components With Enzyme And Jest-APoLLo
English | Size: 273.93 MB
Category: Tutorial

In this course we are going to work through properly setting up Enzyme with Jest to test rendered components. This includes the nitty gritty of making our testing environment work with various versions of React. After we get our environment setup ready, we’ll work through the different ways we can render a component within our test pages. With a rendered component we can now test component methods and properties to assert that they are what is intended. – JSON Web Token JWT Authentication with Node js and Auth0 – JSON Web Token JWT Authentication with Node js and Auth0-APoLLo
English | Size: 111.27 MB
Category: Tutorial

JSON Web Token (JWT) is a low overhead option for authentication that is easy to implement and scales with your application. There is no need to store session data as everything you need is stored in an encoded string sent in the JWT, significantly reducing database overhead for your servers. – Advanced Static Types In Typescript – Advanced Static Types In Typescript-APoLLo
English | Size: 193.36 MB
Category: Tutorial

This course explores the capabilities of TypeScript’s type system and shows how to use advanced static types in practice. For example, you’ll learn how to write safer code by using non-nullable types and being explicit about null and undefined in the type system. – Quickly Transform Data With Transducers – Quickly Transform Data With Transducers-APoLLo
English | Size: 176.95 MB
Category: Tutorial

In this course, we will go through the concept of transducers and build them up from basic principles. We will go over the problems with regular composed transformations, and show how we end up with unnecessary data and intermediate collections. We go on to learn how we can use transducers for performance gains when operating on large data sets, as well as how they’re an excellent fit for processing other iterable data, like generators. Not just arrays.